Internet Security by Amatis

Internet Security

Every time that your end-users access the internet they risk opening the door to a potential cyber attack. With an increased number of end-users accessing the internet outside of the corporate network the risks is growing at exponential rates.

We help our customers to protect against users accessing websites that have malicious content by providing that extra layer of security that is independent of the corporate network. We offer industry-leading solutions that leverage real-time intelligence to which websites should be avoided before they are accessed.

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Cloud Security solutions by amatis

Cloud Security

As you utilise the cloud to host your business-critical applications and your business sensitive data it is imperative that you take every feasible step to protect this environment from potential cyber attacks.

We help you to protect your cloud with market leading next-generation firewall technology that enables you to prevent, detect and mitigate any potential breaches to your information security.

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Protecting Your Business And Your Users

As an ISO27001 accredited organisation, we focus on providing our customers with the best possible advice on how they can identify and address potential vulnerabilities and continue to introduce services to protect internet access, cloud environments and data in motion. So, If you are concerned about Information Security, then let’s talk, we are sure we can help.

Our security specialists can review your current environment and identify areas of vulnerabilities and advise you on how best these risks can be mitigated.

Guide To Security

Cyber attacks come in all forms, whether that be hacking into systems and harvesting sensitive data or utilising phishing, malware or ransomware attacks to maliciously disrupt organisations. The threat is particularly high amongst small to mid-sized businesses where cyber criminals perceive there to be fewer defences in place than larger corporates.

This guide explores the threats that businesses face and some of the simple steps that can be taken to help reduce and mitigate areas of vulnerability.

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